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想念爸爸(I Miss My Father)
 更新时间:2024-04-20 16:15:29

想念爸爸(I Miss My Fathr)i am a girl of tn, and i liv in a small mountain villag far from taiyuan. th only prson that livs with m is my mothr, bcaus my fathr is away for ight yars, working in a city.during th spring fstival, my fathr cam back hom. h lookd thin and tird. h gav my mothr two thousand yuan, and told hr that h would work vn hardr, arn mor mony, and thn h could tak us to th city h stayd at hom for only tn days.w ar living a poor lif now. but what i want most is not mony, but my fathr. i miss him vry much!【参考译文】我是一个十岁的女孩,我住在离太原很远的一个小山村。和我共同生活的唯一的人是我妈妈,因为我爸爸离家已经八年了,他在城里干活。春节期间爸爸回家了。他看起来瘦瘦的,很疲倦。他把2,000元交给妈妈,并告诉她说他要拼命地干活,多赚点钱,然后把我们接到城里去。他在家只呆了十天。我们的日子很苦,可是我最需要的不是钱,是爸爸!我很想念他!

想念爸爸(I Miss My Father)


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